What Being a Magician and Embracing Our Desires Have in Common

Arielle Brown
4 min readNov 17, 2020

I’d love to take a moment to share why it is important to live a life connected to our deepest desires. And, in the process, I’d love to also illustrate why so many of us fear knowing, feeling, and speaking what are desires truly are.

Many of us walk around disconnected from from our desire.

Instead, we walk around filled with ideas about what we “should” want, because it allows us to be a “good daughter”, a “good man”, a “good wife”, a “good woman”, a “good human”.

Desire is a dangerous (and important) thing you see, because if we’re truly connected to our authentic desire, we do not always align with what the people in our lives want or believe we should be.

When we are connected to our true desire, it is likely we may rock the boat of what has worked up until this point — in our relationships and in our lives.

We shake the root systems of long held traditions of struggle, of appropriateness, of social acceptability.

As much as the people in our lives love us, there are centuries of social conditioning telling us that there is safety in the pack, that it’s dangerous to explore to deeply explore outside the norm, and that our desires lead us into unfathomable abominations of taboo and hedonistic impulse.

In light of all of this, it makes sense why we would disconnect from feeling or evening knowing what our desires are, so that we can embrace a more “appropriate” or “digestible” existence that vibrates within the status quo.

To embrace the process of exploring and knowing our authentic desires, ultimately invites us into risking losing the love, approval, and safety of the relationships and life that have housed us up until this point.

To do the work of discovering and living connected to our desire, requires us to allow the identity we have found refuge and familiarity in to fall away…

…AND in its place open up to a vast world of possibility and potential that quite frankly, can be terrifying to our previous concept of who we are.

So…how does all this talk about desire relate to being a powerful magician?

But before I answer , I want to offer my definition of what a magician is:

A magician is one who knows on a deep level of awareness that they shape and influence their reality through the thoughts, emotions, and vibrational energies they transmit into the world around them.

A magician is one who realizes that what “happens” to us in life is not by chance, nor is it isolated from our beliefs about what is possible, what we are worthy of, and how much power we have to determine our circumstances.

Albert Einstein once said, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe”.

This is a choice, each of us gets to make, not just wants, but in every moment, over and over again.

Once a person realizes they are at choice in this way — that they can influence their reality…

…then a person can becomes a magician in that through shifting their inner belief systems about who they are and what they are capable of, they begin to bend and shape reality to reflect that which they authentically desire.

A person connected to their desire, is a person connected to their power.

A person connected to their desire, is a person connected to an unshakeable truth that resides within them, in such a way that their sense of safety no longer relies upon the approval or validation of others.

And a person — a magician — who is connected to all these things, is a person who becomes an influencer, a consciousness shifter, a creator of their reality.

Desire is a path of embodied awaken, where the truths and revelations we seek always resides within.


Arielle Brown is a Spiritual Mentor and Sexual Embodiment Facilitator. She specializes in supporting people to align their lives with their deepest desires, by tapping into their innate sovereignty and embodying a healthy/aligned relationship with their erotic energy. Arielle has cultivated a body of work addressing the increasing need for evolutionary approaches to sexuality, spirituality, and leadership that facilitate power-WITH (vs. power-OVER) models of relating. She teaches courses and facilitates transformational containers for those seeking to embody new levels of truth, power, and freedom in their lives and relationships. www.ariellebrown.com

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